Professionalism and Privacy
We will be honest and forthright in all communications with you. Your information will be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with potential employers without your permission.
Ongoing Communication
Sorry, we are not able to have ongoing communication with you unless you become an active candidate, qualified for a specific search.
Personal Touch
If you are identified as a potential candidate, our Trufflepig consultant will get to know you by interviews over the phone, via Skype, and in-person prior to your meeting with a client organization. And we will apprise you of your status throughout the search process.
Assurance That You Will be Placed
Trufflepig Search represents current openings at client organizations, so we can only consider you as a potential candidate if your background and experience are closely aligned with the client's requirements.
Reference and Background Checks
If you become a finalist candidate for a position, we will verify your previous employers, career accomplishments and college degrees.
Direct Contact With Client Organizations
All communications with client organizations are handled by Trufflepig Search. You will only communicate with client when/if you are introduced by us as a qualified candidate.
Accurate information about your career history and education credentials; honest communication with us about your ambition, current employment status and willingness to consider various career opportunities--including relocation.
Honor your commitments
Keep scheduled appointments with clients and with us. Notify us of any developments that may affect your interest or availability to proceed in a search.